Volume 14, Issue 3 (Summer 2023)                   Caspian J Intern Med 2023, 14(3): 577-580 | Back to browse issues page

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SreeBalaji Medical College and Hospital, Tamil Nadu, India , drsjsbmch@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1013 Views)
Background: Maxillary sinus mucocele is a rare form of mucocele and are usually under diagnosed due to its vague symptomatic presentation. It is caused by obstruction of the natural ostium and accumulation of secretions inside the sinus cavities. It is a locally expansile lesion and symptoms are due to pressure on surrounding structures.
Case Presentation: A 45 -year- old female patient presented with swelling on the left side of the face for 6 months with left infra orbital pain. On examination the swelling was diffuse in the left side of cheek. CT scan showed a homogenous opacity completely filling the maxillary sinus with expansion of the walls which helped in diagnosing the condition. Endoscopic marsupialisation was done and the patient is under follow-up for more than a year with no recurrence.
Conclusion: Maxillary sinus mucocele is an epithelium lined sac filled with mucous secretions. They are expansile and can cause bony erosion of surrounding anatomical structures. It is mainly differentiated radiologically by the presence of air in the sinus cavity. CT scan shows homogenous opacity completely filling the antrum with no air shadow. The walls may be thickened or thinned out. Endoscopic marsupialisation of the mucocele gives excellent results with minimal recurrence. Maxillary mucocele being a rare benign cystic lesion is mostly under diagnosed. Hence, proper clinical examination and radiological evaluation help in early diagnosis. Appropriate surgical management gives a good success rate with nil recurrence.

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Type of Study: case report | Subject: Surgery
Received: 2022/04/7 | Accepted: 2023/05/29 | Published: 2023/05/29

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