Bahar A, Kashi Z, Nowzari A. Spontaneous regression of one nonfunctioning pituitary macroadenoma associated with abnormal liver enzyme tests. Caspian J Intern Med 2011; 2 (1) :201-204
چکیده: (۸۱۴۰ مشاهده)
Background: Nowadays, drug and observation are advised to patients with lymphocytic hypophysitis and in some cases with nonfunctioning pituitary macoadenoma, instead of surgery.
Case presentation: In this article, we report a woman with nonfunctional pituitary macroadenoma and panhypopitutarism and negative criteria for lymphocytic hypophysitis associated with increased liver enzymes. After three months adenoma rapidly regressed and liver function tests were normal without any treatment.
Conclusion: Seemingly, viral infection as one of the factors may be considered in cases with spontaneous regressed pituitary nonfunctional adenoma.
نوع مطالعه:
Original Article |
موضوع مقاله:
Infectious Diseases دریافت: 1392/10/24 | پذیرش: 1392/10/24 | انتشار: 1392/10/24