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Saravi M, Tamadoni A, Jalalian R, Mahmoodi Nesheli H, Hojati M, Ramezani S. Evaluation of tissue doppler echocardiography and T2* magnetic resonance imaging in iron load of patients with thalassemia major. Caspian J Intern Med 2013; 4 (3) :692-697
URL: http://caspjim.com/article-1-206-fa.html
Evaluation of tissue doppler echocardiography and T2* magnetic resonance imaging in iron load of patients with thalassemia major. . 1391; 4 (3) :692-697

URL: http://caspjim.com/article-1-206-fa.html

چکیده:   (9228 مشاهده)
Background: Iron-mediated cardiomyopathy is the main complication of thalassemia major (TM) patients. Therefore, there is an important clinical need in the early diagnosis and risk stratification of patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of tissue doppler imaging (TDI) to study cardiac iron overload in patients with TM using T2* magnetic resonance (MR) as the gold-standard non-invasive diagnostic test.
Methods: A total of 100 TM patients with the mean age of 19±7 years and 100 healthy controls 18.8±7 years were evaluated. Conventional echocardiography, TDI, and cardiac MRI T2* were performed in all subjects. TDI measures included myocardial systolic (Sm), early (Em) and late (Am) diastolic velocities at basal and middle segments of septal and lateral LV wall. The TM patients were also subgrouped according to those with iron load (T2* ? 20 ms) and those without (T2* > 20 ms), and also severe (T2* ? 10 ms) versus the non-severe (T2* ? 10 ms).
Results: Using T2* cardiovascular MR, abnormal myocardial iron load (T2* ? 20 ms) was detected in 84% of the patients and among these, 50% (42/84) had severe (T2* ? 10 ms) iron load. The mean T2* was 11.6±8.6 ms (5–36.7). A negative linear correlation existed between transfusion period of patients and T2* levels (r = -0.53, p=0.02). The following TDI measures were lower in patients than in controls: basal septal Am (p<0.05), mid-septal Em and Am (p<0.05), basal lateral Am (p<0.05), mid-lateral LV wall Sm (p<0.05) and Am (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Tissue doppler imaging is helpful in predicting the presence of myocardial iron load in Thalassemia patients. Therefore, it can be used for screening of thalassemia major patients.
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نوع مطالعه: Original Article | موضوع مقاله: Infectious Diseases
دریافت: 1392/10/27 | پذیرش: 1392/10/27 | انتشار: 1392/10/27

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