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Showing 1 results for Fcs Imputation Algorithm

Tahereh Rohani, Karimollah Hajian-Tilaki, Mahmoud Hajiahmadi, Behzad Heidari, Natali Rahimi Rahimabadi, Zahra Geraili,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (8-2024)

Background: Diabetes, a currently threatening disease, has severe consequences for individuals’ health conditions. The present study aimed to investigate the factors affecting the changes in the longitudinal outcome of blood sugar using a three-level analysis with the presence of missing data in diabetic patients.
Methods: A total of 526 diabetic patients were followed longitudinally selected from the annual data collected from the rural population monitored by Tonekabon health centers in the North of Iran during 2018-2019 from the Iranian Integrated Health System (SIB) database. In analyzing this longitudinal data, the three-level model (level 1: observation (time), level 2: subject, level 3: health center) was carried out with multiple imputations of possible missing values in longitudinal data.
Results: Results of fitting the three-level model indicated that every unit of change in the body mass index (BMI) significantly increased the fasting blood sugar by an average of 0.5 mg/dl (p=0.024). The impact of level 1 (observations) was insignificant in the three-level model. Still, the random effect of level 3 (healthcare centers) showed a highly significant measure for health centers (14.62, p<0.001).
Conclusion: The BMI reduction, the healthcare centers' socioeconomic status, and the health services provided have potential effects in controlling diabetes.


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