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Showing 1 results for Literacy

Gholamreza Veghari, Mehdi Sedaghat, Siavash Maghsodlo, Samieh Banihashem, Pooneh Moharloei, Abdolhamid Angizeh, Ebrahim Tazik, Abbas Moghaddami,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (1-2013)

Background Hypertension is considered as a major health problem in our society. The association between educational level with hypertension and its control in the Golestan Province (northern Iran) were the main objectives of this study.
Methods: This was a population-based cross-sectional study that enrolled 3497 subjects aged 15-65 years using stratified and cluster sampling. The interviewers recorded the data using a multidimensional questionnaire, including blood pressure level. Blood pressure was measured three times with 5 minutes interval and defined based on Join National Committee (JNC-7).
Results: Totally, 741 (21.2 %) cases suffered from hypertension and illiterate people were significantly more aware of their disease (p=0.011). In the aware group, 435 (89.6%) cases used one method to control their disease and it was not statistically significant as far as educational levels was concerned. The control of hypertension was significantly greater in college educated group than the illiterate one (32.4% vs 68.8%) (p=0.001). Logistic regression analysis revealed that illiteracy is a risk factor for hypertension (p<0.001).
Conclusion: In spite of awareness in the illiterate people was high, the rate of hypertension control was low in this group. Prevention, detection, treatment, and control of hypertension especially the illiterate people should be given high priority.

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