دوره ۱۱، شماره ۱ - ( ۱۰-۱۳۹۸ )                   جلد ۱۱ شماره ۱ صفحات ۱۱۹-۱۱۶ | برگشت به فهرست نسخه ها

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Bahadori M, Shojaei S F, Ashayeri R, Esmaeili S, Mehrpour M. A case of aberrant bilateral vertebral arteries orgin presenting with right VA dissection. Caspian J Intern Med 2020; 11 (1) :116-119
URL: http://caspjim.com/article-1-1666-fa.html
A case of aberrant bilateral vertebral arteries orgin presenting with right VA dissection. . ۱۳۹۸; ۱۱ (۱) :۱۱۶-۱۱۹

URL: http://caspjim.com/article-۱-۱۶۶۶-fa.html

چکیده:   (۳۹۲۷ مشاهده)
Background: Knowledge of variations in the origin of vertebral artery (VA) is indispensable to vascular surgeons. Aberrant origin of vertebral artery on either side is an uncommon finding. There are unilateral and bilateral variability in VA origin.
Case presentation: We present a case of vertebral artery dissection who was found to have bilateral VAs aberrant origin. The right VA took origin from the right common carotid artery (CCA) which is a completely a rare finding, and the left VA originated from the arch of aorta.
Conclusion: Unlike most similar reported cases, the VA diameter at origin was larger on the left than on the right side. The possible embryological mechanism is discussed.

متن کامل [PDF 327 kb]   (۷۳۶ دریافت)    
نوع مطالعه: case report | موضوع مقاله: Neurology
دریافت: 1397/9/2 | پذیرش: 1398/4/5 | انتشار: 1399/1/30

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